Знаете-ли вы как вашы танки действуют.

A Finnish leaflet from the Soviet-Finnish war.
English translation:

=Do you know, how youre tanks act.=

Do you, red army soldiers, know, how your tanks act?
Ask your glomrades in forefront, and they will tell you about bloody terrors.
To make your tanks able to pass barriers built by finns, your commissars and leaders build “human bridge“. They command your comrades to stand as crowd in front of barriers and than they get shooted. Then tanks must pass through piles of corpses. Your comrades in tanks cannot refuse, because your commissars locked them in tanks, and if they not obey, they will be shoot.
Do you also want to fall as victims of your commissars - to become “humans bridges“ for your tanks?
''Source: [http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/view.shtml?079 sovunion.info]''